My Phrase For 2022
Hey there friends! I took a step back from the blog to relax during the holidays and soak up all the good times. Now I’m back and ready to hit the ground running in 2022! I love seeing that many people have ditched the “new years’ resolution” idea and pick a word or phrase for the year. I gave this a thought and I think I’m sticking with a phrase for the year.
My Phrase For 2022 is: Why Not?
This has been mulling in my mind for a bit but I think it’s a good time to really apply this to my life. One thing I’ve learned during this last season of training is that I often hold myself back from pursuing big things. I tend to feel like I’m not good enough or just not fit for the part. However, I’ve decided to stop that mess and ask the question: why not?
“Oh I can’t even do an event like that.”
“Why not?”
“I can’t ever run that race.”
“Why not?”
“I couldn’t ever do that.”
“Why not?”
Each and every time I’ve said it, there truly hasn’t been a good reason why I couldn’t do it. It’s simply my fear of doing it. I’ve gotten so comfortable with just staying inside my comfort zone that I think I need to break out of the box this year!
Next week, I’ll be heading to Miami to compete in a fitness competition. I have felt these negative thoughts start to creep in recently but I simply have to stop and ask myself: why not? Heck in the past few weeks I have learned how to swim and have been practicing diligently. If I can do that, why can’t I do well at this competition?!
So there you have it, that’s my phrase for 2022. Are you choosing a word or phrase for the year? If so, what is it?