Favorite Yoga Videos!

Favorite Yoga Videos!

Happy Wednesday friends! I hope you’re having a wonderful week so far! I wanted to pop in with a quick post to share some of my favorite YouTube yoga videos! It’s always easy to skip stretching when you’re pressed for time but it’s very important as a runner! I picked these yoga videos because they are my go-to videos after a run or when I need a bit of extra recovery from a hard workout.

This is a complete yoga sequence to help restore and refresh. I would recommend this for an easier day or even as a recovery workout.
This is a perfect cool down. It gets your heart rate down and helps with some extra stretching!
I LOVE this vid because it helps really get into the hips and back. My hips are always tight so being able to open them up really helps!

Those are a few of my favorite videos to use as cool downs or recovery. YouTube is a great resource so there’s no excuse not to get in a quick yoga/stretch session to restore your legs!

What are some of your favorite yoga videos?
