End Of Year Racing Schedule!

Happy Friday! I hope you had a wonderful week and you’re ready for the weekend! It’s been a bit of a busy one for me and I’m adjusting to a new work schedule but I’m getting it done. I decided to pop in today with a quick post to kind of share my running plan for the rest of the year. My running schedule has taken some extra planning due to some extra responsibilities I’ve picked up along the way but I’m still making it work! For example, I had to crank out my long run today because of a busy weekend. Whatever it takes, right?!

End Of Year Racing Schedule

I’m not sure how far in advance you plan for your races but I think I have definitely outdone myself this year. I’ve joined a running group which I absolutely love so whenever they tell me about races, I can’t say no! While it was very tempting to add another marathon to my schedule, that was one thing I did say no to. However, there’s plenty of half marathons up ahead for me so I’m just going with the flow. I’ll be using a few races as PR attempts but others will also be just fun travel trips!


October 7 – Chicago Marathon

October 28 – Houston Half Marathon (PR Attempt)


November 11 – Walk By Faith 5K (PR Attempt)

November 18 – Route 66 Half Marathon


December 16 – Santa Hustle Half Marathon


January 20 – Aramco Houston Half Marathon (PR Attempt)


February 2 – Hot Chocolate 15K

I think that’s it for now. This has truly been a fun training cycle so far and I’m hoping to be able to keep it up and have a great performance at these races. I’d love to hear what’s in your schedule for the rest of the year!

Do you plan your races months ahead of time?
